The Gazette – Volunteers Wanted for 2022 SFTOC festival – Sounds From The Other City
Salford's festival of new music & art • 4 May 2025
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7 DAYS TO GO: Schedule

This time next week, you’ll hopefully be fully ensconced at Sounds from the Other City and sliding deep into our melting pot of discovery.

To help you prepare, today we launch our schedule covering off all of the stage times for our live acts and djs. Browse through on the link below or visit Clashfinder for a very handy downloadable version. And don’t forget that there will be a whole host of other live art and performance happenings here, there and everywhere throughout the day. Its all a bit unruly for a clashfinder or schedule but you you can read all about the  Special Stuff here.

All stage times, running orders and performances are subject to change. The online schedule will be available to access on your phone throughout the event. If you prefer a paper version, then you can download the Clashfinder. We’d recommend waiting until just before the event to do this.

So without further ado, get browsing…..

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